Welcome to The Boston Network Users Group

 The longest-running computer network group in Massachusetts — founded in 1986

Our Next Meeting will be held on Tue, January 7, 2025  7 pm on Zoom  We will meeting ONLY on Zoom



At this meeting, we will discuss the art and science of using computers to help gather people together to bond and work together on important tasks.

How do computers foster getting people together? In work, politics, music, theatre, family, friends, pastimes, and to discuss computers

How have we changed the way we do this over the last 30 years? What were our hopes then, and how have our hopes been fulfilled?  How have we been disappointed?


How does modern computer technology divide people and make it hard for them to connect and work effectively? Echo chambers, algorithms that spread lies and outrage, “the perfect medium for disinformation”



What are good tools for helping people bond and work together?  We’ll discuss some cases, and think about how to build on these successes. Databases of donors and supporters; using the web to fundraise among huge numbers of people, instead of just a few wealthy donors. Zoom meetings which allow people from all over to meet each other. International Zoom classes, like our Rwanda classes. Affinity groups, like a Type 1 diabetes support group on Facebook. Working from home by young parents so they can look after their kids, and by older folks who might not be able to get to the workplace.  Opportunities for people with disabilities to work and connect. Ability to share works of art, science and literature– both to gather, and share these on each other’s screens.  Stronger business and work relationships between organizations in different countries. Doctors teaching doctors in other countries via Zoom or other telemedicine. More people of all walks of life now have access to a great deal of computer power, and some of those people do  wonderful things with that power. 




Connecting to Zoom Meeting Information

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  • All Meeting Times are U.S Eastern Time Zones  (US and Canada)

Quick Link to Our Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting Link


Login to Meeting Using Your Cellphone

  • Meeting ID: 482 645 3134
  • Passcode:  712812 or bnug  <—– (Notice : ALL LOWER CASE LETTERS)
  • to call in by phone:
  • • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    • +1 305 224 1968 Us
* When Calling into meeting with zoom on your cell Phone, it will log you into the meeting Automatically